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Microsoft Power BI - How to filter a report
Microsoft Power BI - How to filter a report

Learn how to use filters for Power BI to display only specific data on your screens

Updated over a month ago

Power BI filters are a powerful way to refine the data visualizations you share on your screens. This guide will walk you through the process of applying filters so that your ScreenCloud Microsoft Power BI app displays the information that matters most.

The Microsoft Power BI app is part of the Pro and Enterprise plan. You can view our pricing page to learn how to upgrade to this plan, and to find out what other features come available on these plans.

Basic filters

Table name

This should be the name of the table in the dataset and needs to match exactly what is in the report’s Dataset

Column name

This should be the name of the column name in the dataset and needs to match exactly what is in the report’s Dataset


In: keeps records if the column is in the list provided. The value(s) can be a single value or a comma separated list of values

NotIn: keeps records if the column is NOT in the list provided. The value(s) can be a single value or a comma separated list of values

All: this should force the report filter to override any other filters and force all records to be returned


This is a string representation of the value (or list of values supplied in CSV format).

For a singular value you can also use the following prefixes to force the value to be treated as either a numeric or boolean values which allows for proper filtering on columns of those types.

Numeric: supply a prefix of N:: so the value should be N::596 if you want to filter on a numeric column

Boolean: supply a prefix of B:: so the value should be B::true or B::false if you want to filter on a boolean column

Screen Data

To pull screen data (Screen > Settings > Advanced Settings > Data) into a value, you need to provide the key inside curly braces like so: {key}. You can also still use the numeric and boolean prefixes as well where needed. So, for this example we could set a filter up where the value would take the following format, {location}.

Advanced URL filters

Advanced filters get added in the format below:


A simple example would be:




Which would require a filter:

Sales/Month eq 'Jan'

There are some escape characters that need to be taken into consideration when there are things like spaces, slashes or a full stop/period.

You need to make the following substitutions with their unicode counterparts (there may be more but these seem like the most likely to be used in table/column names):

Space “ “ replace with “x0020

Slash “/“ replace with “x002F

Period “.” replace with “x002E

A more advanced example based loosely on an issue seen recently in a customer account:

TABLE_NAME: “Sales Month End”

COLUMN_NAME: “Month End / Acc. Id”



This needs a filter as follows:

Sales_x0020_Month_x0020_End/Month_x0020_End_x0020__x002F__x0020_Acc_x002E__x0020_Id eq 'ABC123'


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