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Using Search and Tags To Manage Your Media in ScreenCloud
Using Search and Tags To Manage Your Media in ScreenCloud

This article will go through the features of using ScreenCloud's search functionality and how you can use tags to better manage your media.

Updated over 3 months ago

1. Using the search function in your ScreenCloud account

ScreenCloud’s search function makes it easier to pinpoint exactly what you’re looking for in your account. It will automatically show results as you begin to type words into the search bar, in addition to quick tools for selected content and applying actions to search for key items. You can perform the following functions with the search feature per section in your ScreenCloud account:

1.1. Search using screens

Search for screens using keywords to pull results for any tags, group, channel, or team data for screen(s) applicable from the search term.


Pro tip: selecting multiple screens while using the search function in the "Screens" section allows you to mass delete screens, switch all selected screens to use the same channel, move screens between groups, or used to cast any piece of media in your account to the selected screens immediately.


1.2. Search using Media Library

Use keywords and terms to search through items or tags in your Media Library. For example, searching for the word "Photo" in the Media Library populates any search terms for items with this name, folders, and tags for any media using this keyword.


Pro tip: selecting multiple pieces of content while using the search function in the "Media Library" allows you to create a quick playlist, delete multiple pieces of content, or move items into a different folder.


1.3. Search using channels

Searching for keywords will pull results for channels you've created matching the search term or for tags that have been assigned to your channels.


Pro tip: selecting multiple channels while using the search function in the "Channels" section allows you to mass delete or duplicate your channels.


1.4. Search using playlists

Searching for keywords will pull results for playlists you've created matching the search term or for tags that have been assigned to your playlists.


Pro tip: selecting multiple playlists while using the search function in the "Playlists" section allows you to mass delete or duplicate your playlists.


1.5. Search using links

Searching for keywords will pull results for links/websites you've set up matching the search term or for tags that have been assigned to your links/websites.


Pro tip: selecting multiple links/websites while using the search function in the "Links" section allows you to mass delete your links/websites.


1.6. Search your app instances

Searching for keywords will pull results for apps you've downloaded or are managing in your ScreenCloud account. Please note, you can use the search functionality to enter any app or naming keywords or select any of your installed apps to search for specific app instances.


Example of searching by app name:


Example of searching by app type or keyword:


You can also sort instances by the latest added or name.


2. How to use tags for quick searches and casting content with ScreenCloud

You can set any tags (e.g. keywords) you’d like for content, playlists, and even screens to quickly display and search for. Tagging provides you with easier content and screen management experience for being able to use alternate terms to easily find a screen, channel, and more within your account.


This is also useful for casting content immediately to your screen(s) in the event you may have multiple tags linked to a piece of content to start showcasing quickly across your digital screens. Learn more about how to use ScreenCloud's casting takeover feature by clicking here.

You can tag your screens with keywords using the following combinations:

  • Single-search term: for example, setting the tag as "Meetings".

  • Hashtags: for example, setting the tag as "#Meetings".

  • Using underscores for search terms: for example, setting the tag as "Monday_Meetings".

Enter your desired tags in any of the "Tag" sections available while navigating through your ScreenCloud account. This will help you while visiting sections of your account to find media more immediately with extra keywords being used to help identify your content.

Once you have tags set to your content, you can search in each area for items connected with that tag by writing tag:[yourtexthere]

In the example below, all items that have been tagged with wallpaper are shown from search by writing tag:wallpaper.

2.1. Tag your screens

Under the name of any of your screens, you can click the add tags button to begin adding tags to your screen.

Screen tag 00.png

Add any tag as you see fit as an additional keyword for your search terms, and press enter to create the tag.

Screen Tag 04.png

Screen Tag 05.jpg

You can then simply click your available tags to see any related screens.

Screen Tag 01.png

Screen Tag 03.png

2.2. Tag content from your media library

Click on any of your media and visit the "tags" section. Add any tag as you see fit as an additional keyword for your search terms. Press enter after typing your tag and it'll be applied automatically.



5.3. Tag playlists

Click on any of your playlists and visit the "Settings" section. From here, you can start adding "Tags" to your playlist. Add any tag as you see fit as an additional keyword for your search terms. Press enter after typing your tag and it'll be applied automatically.



2.4. Tag links

Select any link/website you've set up to set up quick search tags. Press enter after typing your tag and it'll be applied automatically.



2.5. Tag canvas slides

Similar to how tagging works for Screens, you can tag your Canvas slides to more easily manage and search for them.

Canvas Tag 03.png

Canvas Tag 01.png

Canvas Tag 02.png

Canvas Tag 04.jpg
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