You can learn more about ScreenCloud's advanced scheduling feature using Channels by clicking here.
1. Channels are not playing content at scheduled times
Please note, you must set the time in the channel for when you want to display the content on the screen. It will default to the timezone of the hardware so it is not important where you're based, but the timezone of your device will sync with your channel.
If you're having any trouble with your channel syncing or playing at the desired times you have set, we recommend checking time zone settings on your device. You can generally do this by finding your device "Settings" and navigating to date/time options. You can also refer to steps on how to check your timezone settings for most commonly used device(s) below:
2. Channels are displaying as black while previewing content
This can commonly occur based on a few scenarios which can be reviewed by clicking here for additional troubleshooting.
3. Channels are not displaying the correct resolution on the TV screen
If your channel is displaying the incorrect resolution size in correspondence to your television or monitor, please troubleshoot the resolutions available in your "Channels" section.
You can click on any channel and visit the right-hand settings bar under "Layout". From here, select "Change" and you'll be prompted to pre-set resolutions, or you can create your own custom resolution sizing. Please note, confirming these changes will immediately update the channel size to display the new resolution sizing selected.
4. Content is being skipped while previewing or displaying a channel
If you notice any content is being skipped or is unavailable while previewing a Channel, we recommend to please review if any media item(s) are set up with availability or expiration dates in your "Media Library". For example, if you've set an availability date that has not been reached yet on the calendar, the media will skip automatically as it's not available to display on your screens. This is also how the feature functions while setting expiration dates, the content will skip automatically as well as it's been set up to no longer display after a specific date/time.
If you've gone through the troubleshoot guide and are still having a challenge with Channels, please reach out with the following information to [email protected]:
Verify your ScreenCloud account email address
Verify the name of the Channel(s) affected in your account
Specify if the channel is being used in a specific Space/Team
Specify the exact pieces of media/content which you're having trouble using on your channel(s)
Describe the exact issue and send a screenshot/video if available to help our team test further