Connecting Google Drive with your media library
Get started by visiting your "Media Library".
Select the "Upload" button in the center of your Media Library or in the upper-right hand corner.
The Filestack integration will open for you to choose from several integrations. Click on the "Google Drive" icon from the left navigation and then the "Connect Google Drive" button.
You'll be prompted to log in with your Google credentials (or choose an account) and accept the integration connecting with your account. Click on the "Continue" prompt to accept the terms for using Filestack.
You will be redirected back to ScreenCloud where your Google Drive files are now available with the Filestack integration to use in your Media Library.
Logging out of your Google Drive account
You can log out of your Google Drive account directly within ScreenCloud from the Filestack integration panel.
Hover over the Google Drive icon in the left-hand navigation.
Click on “Sign Out” and this will sign you out of your Google Drive account.