If you have an active firewall on your wireless network or ethernet connection that secures a private network for your organization (i.e. universities, schools, enterprise businesses, etc.), you may experience trouble accessing areas of the ScreenCloud website or having your devices load ScreenCloud content.
For example, you might have experienced areas of your ScreenCloud account re-directing you to a page that informs you the website is blocked/restricted, or these pages will not load across multiple devices using the same network. You might also find that devices might have trouble pulling in content for social media or live-streaming apps, which would typically be blocked from browsing on your private network.
However, on an alternative network, you notice the ScreenCloud member area and apps load just fine. This helps indicate that whitelisting our domains and servers to work past your firewall can help resolve this challenge.
Who can help whitelist these domains & servers?
We recommend that you have a network administrator or I.T. (Information Technology) Department, to provide them with the list of domains in the following section and see if they can assist further with your network settings. Additionally, you can also add them yourself if you are a system admin for your network.
To quickly view which services are currently reachable by ScreenCloud on your network, please see our Reachability list for ScreenCloud. Once you whitelist the services and domains that are listed below, all URLs should be labeled as REACHABLE.
If you are only whitelisting essential domains, please refer to the Essential Reachability list. If you are whitelisting optional domains, however, please refer to the Optional Reachability list.
What are the domains & servers I need to whitelist?
To ensure full functionality, we've provided our list of domains to whitelist broken down into essential and optional. There are also wildcard options or full domain options for more granular control. Please note, that applications and third-party services that are integrated with ScreenCloud may require additional review for whitelisting on your network or firewall. Please click here to view a complete list of ScreenCloud's apps and service whitelist for reference.
If you have any issues receiving or contacting our Support Team, please whitelist and approve the email [email protected] and [email protected] for your email or company firewall. The following services identified help host several services for the ScreenCloud product, such as APIs, integrations, Media Library management, static assets, error logging, applications, and more.
Lastly, in network firewalls and domain whitelisting, a 'wildcard' is a special character or pattern that represents multiple domains or subdomains with a single entry. For instance, using a wildcard like *.example.com will whitelist all subdomains of example.com, such as mail.example.com, blog.example.com, and shop.example.com, without needing to list each one individually.
Whitelisting for primary services
Domains with wildcard
*.screen.cloud *.screencloud.com *.screencloudapp.com *.screencloudapps.com *.firebaseapp.com *.firebaseio.com cdn.filestackcontent.com *.filestackapi.com firestore.googleapis.com *.imgix.net *.google.com
*.datadoghq.com *.browser-intake-datadoghq.com *.sentry.io fonts.googleapis.com fonts.gstatic.com apps-backends-rss.herokuapp.com
Specific domains without wildcard
screencloud-production.firebaseio.com s-usc1a-nss-2043.firebaseio.com firestore.googleapis.com screencloud-production.firebaseio.com signage-next-events-production-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com studio-events-production-us-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com studio-media-production-us.imgix.net next-media.imgix.net
logs.browser-intake-datadoghq.com browser-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com sentry.io o62013.ingest.sentry.io fonts.googleapis.com fonts.gstatic.com apps-backends-rss.herokuapp.com
Domains with details of associated services
Below is the list of domains separated by the service they belong to.
Without the essential domains, the ScreenCloud player will not be able to work
ScreenCloud Domains
*.screen.cloud *.screencloud.com *.screencloudapp.com *.screencloudapps.com
Screen status real-time services
firestore.googleapis.com screencloud-production.firebaseio.com s-usc1a-nss-2043.firebaseio.com
Content real-time services
signage-next-events-production-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com studio-events-production-us-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com
Image optimizing services
studio-media-production-us.imgix.net next-media.imgix.net
Optional domains help improve the monitoring and issue mitigation. It is highly recommended to add these to your whitelist to help us monitor and investigate issues.
Logging system - Datadog
logs.browser-intake-datadoghq.com browser-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com
Logging system - Sentry
sentry.io o62013.ingest.sentry.io
Google font (Pairing code view)
fonts.googleapis.com fonts.gstatic.com
YouTube app
www.youtube.com/ *.ytimg.com *.googlevideo.com
RSS app
Firewall configuration example
Example with wildcard
acl whitelist dstdomain .screen.cloud acl whitelist dstdomain .screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain .screencloudapp.com acl whitelist dstdomain .firebaseio.com acl whitelist dstdomain firestore.googleapis.com acl whitelist dstdomain .imgix.net #[optional] acl whitelist dstdomain apps-backends-rss.herokuapp.com acl whitelist dstdomain www.youtube.com acl whitelist dstdomain .ytimg.com acl whitelist dstdomain .googlevideo.com acl whitelist dstdomain fonts.googleapis.com acl whitelist dstdomain fonts.gstatic.com acl whitelist dstdomain .sentry.io acl whitelist dstdomain .browser-intake-datadoghq.com acl whitelist dstdomain .datadoghq.com http_access allow whitelist
Example with full domain
# ... # ScreenCloud Player (browser, android, amazon, etc.,) acl whitelist dstdomain player.screen.cloud # Screen - API acl whitelist dstdomain api.screen.cloud # Screen - live update (Firebase Live db) acl whitelist dstdomain screencloud-production.firebaseio.com acl whitelist dstdomain s-usc1a-nss-2043.firebaseio.com # Screen - Paring application acl whitelist dstdomain apps.screen.cloud # Paring app - (Google font) acl whitelist dstdomain fonts.googleapis.com acl whitelist dstdomain fonts.gstatic.com # Studio player acl whitelist dstdomain studio-player-latest.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain studio-player.screencloud.com ## Studio player - Apps acl whitelist dstdomain apps.screen.cloud ## Studio player - Data live update (FireStore database) acl whitelist dstdomain firestore.googleapis.com ## Studio player - Event update service acl whitelist dstdomain signage-next-events-production-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com acl whitelist dstdomain studio-events-production-us-default-rtdb.firebaseio.com ## Studio player - Time Sync acl whitelist dstdomain clock.screen.cloud ## Studio player - GraphQL API acl whitelist dstdomain graphql.eu.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain graphql.us.screencloud.com ## Studio player - Video acl whitelist dstdomain media.us.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain media.eu.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain secure-media.us.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain secure-media.eu.screencloud.com ## Studio player - Image acl whitelist dstdomain studio-media-production-us.imgix.net acl whitelist dstdomain next-media.imgix.net ## Studio player - Apps ### Backend acl whitelist dstdomain apps-backends-production.screen.cloud acl whitelist dstdomain apps-services.screencloudapp.com ### Top 10 ### - Canvas acl whitelist dstdomain canvas.apps.screencloud.com ### - Weather acl whitelist dstdomain weather.apps.screencloud.com ### - Youtube acl whitelist dstdomain youtube.apps.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain www.youtube.com acl whitelist dstdomain .ytimg.com acl whitelist dstdomain .googlevideo.com ### - Clock acl whitelist dstdomain clock.apps.screencloud.com ### - Headline news, RSS feed, acl whitelist dstdomain rss-feed.apps.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain apps-backends-rss.herokuapp.com ### - Noticeboard 2.0 acl whitelist dstdomain noticeboard.apps.screencloud.com ### - Embed App acl whitelist dstdomain embed.apps.screencloud.com ### - Google Slides acl whitelist dstdomain google-slides.apps.screencloud.com acl whitelist dstdomain api-google-slides.app.screen.cloud ### - Countdown Timer acl whitelist dstdomain count-down.apps.screencloud.com # Optional ## Loging system ### Sentry acl whitelist dstdomain sentry.io acl whitelist dstdomain o62013.ingest.sentry.io ### Datadog acl whitelist dstdomain logs.browser-intake-datadoghq.com acl whitelist dstdomain browser-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com http_access allow whitelist #...
Whitelisting for ScreenCloud OS
Add these additional domains if you are using ScreenCloud OS (SCOS) devices, the Station P1 and Station P1 Pro.
*.iot.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:443 *.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:443
Whitelisting for apps
You can use the following list to whitelist any domains specific to applications or integrations if your firewall or internet security protection services block an app. Please note, that whitelisting apps may not always be required and depends on the restrictions of your firewall services.
Building Directory
maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com
Digital Menu Board
maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com
Calendar for Google
google.* https://apps-backends-calendar.herokuapp.com
googletagmanager.com google-analytics.com
gstatic.com googleapis.com
Count Up
gstatic.com googleapis.com
Count Down
gstatic.com googleapis.com
gstatic.com googleapis.com
gstatic.com googleapis.com
Social Feeds for Facebook
screencloud-apps-production.herokuapp.com screencloud.auth0.com
Facebook Recommendations
www.facebook.com static.xx.fbcdn.net
Follow Us
gstatic.com googleapis.com
Gallery For Instagram
instagram.com l.instagram.com .cdninstagram.com
Gallery For Instagram Business
facebook.com cdn.loom.com *.fbcdn.net
kit.fontawesome.com *.typekit.net ka-p.fontawesome.com cdn.jsdelivr.net com geckoboard-main.collector.snplow.net stats.pusher.com
Google Alerts
biorxiv.org logo.clearbit.com
And any URL that Google pulls the RSS feed from
Google Reviews
rsms.me *.googleusercontent.com
Google Sheets
Google Slides
screencloud-apps-google-slides-presentation-slides-production.s3.eu-west- 1.amazonaws.com cdn.loom.com google.*
Google Traffic
googleapis.com gstatic.com
Google Trends
googleapis.com gstatic.com google.*
Meeting Room
Meet the Team
Microsoft Excel
login.microsoftonline.com aadcdn.msftauth.net aadcdn.msauth.net *.sharepointonline.com login.live.com spoprod-a.akamaihd.net
logo.clearbit.com aljazeera.com *.bbci.co.uk s.yimg.comcdn.vox-cdn.com cdn.cnn.comtechcrunch.com *.foxnews.com *.espncdn.com
Outlook Calendar
Facebook: Follow Us on Facebook & Facebook Recommendations apps
*.fbcdn.net cdn.auth0.com facebook.com
Facebook: Business Feed For Facebook app
https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api FacebookSocialApp.jsx:22
Page Scroll
For showing internal local sites with Page Scroll:
https://*.screencloud.com https://*.screen.cloud http://localhost:*;
Add access to whichever site is being used for the configuration*
Microsoft Power Bi
*.powerbi.com content.powerapps.com dc.services.visualstudio.com wabi- uk-south-b-primary-redirect.analysis.windows.net
RSS Feed
https://apps-backends-rss.herokuapp.com https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com
To see logos for the chosen RSS feed:
You will also need to whitelist the chosen News site or other RSS feed provided, e.g. *.bbci.co.uk
Screencloud Broadcast
slack.com cdn.cookielaw.org .slack-edge.com
(e.g. https://avatars.slack-edge.com/2015-07- 20/7902978850_eac8fe93c4886d5462f0_original.jpg)
Soccer Scores
Sports Live Scores
thesportsdb.com s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
vimeo.com *.vimeocdn.com 134vod-adaptive.akamaized.net https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js
https://s.ytimg.com https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api
Youtube Live
https://s.ytimg.com https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api
ZenDesk Reports
https://s.ytimg.com https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api
Whitelisting for Dashboards
Our requests to access your dashboard will come from one of the following IP addresses in each region. Please ask your IT team to whitelist the following IP addresses to allow us to display your dashboard on screen
Dashboards from studio.eu.screencloud.com (EU)
Dashboards from studio.us.screencloud.com (US)
I have whitelisted everything, but I am still having trouble
If you encounter any issues while setting up your whitelist, we’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to our support team at [email protected] - We’d be happy to assist you. If you’re seeing any error messages or facing specific challenges, please include a screenshot with your message so we can better understand and resolve the issue.