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People, Groups, and Spaces: Managing Users & Teams With ScreenCloud
People, Groups, and Spaces: Managing Users & Teams With ScreenCloud

This article will go through how to use People, Groups, and Spaces to manage users and team segments within your ScreenCloud organization.

Updated over 4 months ago


By managing your people and groups, you can:

  • Invite new users (People) to your ScreenCloud organization via an invite email

  • Set user-specific roles (Groups) for administrators, owners, managers, creators, and viewers

  • Manage users (People) across specific Spaces (collection of screens, content, and media)

  • Have flexibility over users and teams accessing your organization, with specific or grouped permissions

1. People: invite and add users to your organization

1.1. People overview


People is where you can invite and add an unlimited number of users to your ScreenCloud organization. You can add users, then later assign them into groups (i.e. to set organization privileges) and spaces (i.e. teams, segments, and collection of media). You can manage all users/groups and organization owners from this section of your ScreenCloud organization. This area of your organization has two sections:

i) All: this is where you can view an entire summary of all the members you've invited to your ScreenCloud organization.

ii) Owners: this is also where you can manage primary ownership and owners of your ScreenCloud organization. As an owner, you have access to everything in the organization and you're able to make any changes to all screens.

This is set by default for the original owner of a ScreenCloud organization. This provides you with full administrative and billing access over any area of the organization with all functions. Organization owners are managed at, you can use this portal to send invites to additional users you'd like to have ownership permissions for your ScreenCloud organization.

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You can also invite any email address to your organization and transfer primary ownership of the ScreenCloud organization to the new user. The primary owner is noted as the main contact for the company if you decide to add multiple owners to your organization.

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1.2. How to invite people to your organization

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  • Enter any valid email address into the Invite people by email section.

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  • Once you're done adding the emails you'd like to invite, you can also select a group for your user to be assigned to. This can be done by clicking the "Select Group" drop-down menu to view any groups that are being managed in your ScreenCloud organization. For example, if a new user is assigned to the Marketing group, they will be listed underneath this group during the invite process. If a user is not assigned to a group, they will appear as Ungrouped. Please note, that you can assign and rearrange users to groups at any time.

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  • Click the Add button and the list of all email invitees will be below under their respective groups.

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  • You can review all of your email invites according to their groups, once you've verified this select the Send Invite button in the lower right-hand corner to send email invites for access to your ScreenCloud organization.

Please note that sending an invite will trigger an automatic email to be sent to the end-user inbox with instructions on how to create their login credentials and sign in to the organization you've added them to. If your end-user is having trouble receiving ScreenCloud emails, please click here or review the troubleshooting inviting people section below.

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A user will be greeted with a landing page that displays the organization they are newly invited to. If an email has more than one organization that they have access to, they will see this mentioned. An account will either be hosted under either Europe ( or America (

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You can also view the last login activity tracked for all of your users who accept an invitation to ScreenCloud once they have accepted and verified access to the organization. This can be found under the column Last Active from the list of emails managed.

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1.3. Export a CSV to review user activity and status

Downloading a CSV of user information from ScreenCloud simplifies user management, reporting, and compliance by providing offline access and aiding content access review.

1.3.1. To export a CSV of your ScreenCloud Organization's users, click the Export CSV button.

1.3.2. The CSV provides you with the following details of each user:

  • Full name

  • Email

  • Group - If assigned

  • Space - If assigned

  • Status - Active, Pending (Invite), Archived (Deleted)

  • Last active - The last time the user logged in

1.4. Troubleshooting inviting people

If you're having any challenges with the following scenarios while inviting new people (i.e. users) to your ScreenCloud organization, please follow our referenced support articles on how to resolve them. You can also contact [email protected] if you continue to have user invite or login-related issues, please send our team a screenshot of the error you're seeing and verify the email address you're trying to log in with:

  • Not receiving invite emails: this can happen if the end-user is using an email address that is monitored by their company or organization. There can be firewalls or email administration restrictions that could prevent the emails from successfully making it into an email inbox. This also could automatically filter the emails into the "Junk/Spam" folder. You can learn how to resolve not receiving ScreenCloud emails by clicking here.

  • Receiving the error message "Email address is already in use" or using an email connected to an existing ScreenCloud organization: this can happen if the end-user is using an email address that either is an owner of an existing ScreenCloud organization or has previously accepted an invite to an existing ScreenCloud organization. This means the system is linked to the email address with an existing login credential, so you should be able to accept new organization invites by using your existing email address and log in by visiting "Already have an account" and selecting the "Log In" button. You can learn more about how to resolve using an existing email address with a ScreenCloud organization invite by clicking here.

2. Groups: managing user roles and access

2.1. Groups overview

Groups are where you can manage and access permission roles for each type of user you add to your organization. This helps you keep track of the user roles you've granted easily by keeping them sorted in groups about each type of user permission available in ScreenCloud.

You can create different groups with permissions according to job titles, responsibilities, management, or location based on your preference for each. You can also control which groups have access to Spaces for managing specific screens, channels, playlists, and media. For example, you can create a Billing group with access to every Space with admin permissions to access payment information or marketing groups with access to certain Spaces for adding media.

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2.2. Groups permissions

Below are the four user permission settings that you can group any users you've invited to your organization into for access to specific features or settings. Please note, that ownership is assigned automatically to the user who initially created a ScreenCloud organization.

Owners are the highest permission for an organization. Owners can manage the entire ScreenCloud organization, including deleting the organization. There can be multiple owners but only one primary owner is assigned to each organization.

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i) Admin

This permission grants you access to do anything within an organization or Space besides set organization owners or delete the organization. This permission provides access to billing information for the organization. Admins cannot delete an organization.

ii) Manager

this permission allows you to add, manage, remove, or modify all of the screens and content in the Spaces you're assigned to. For example, if your company has five spaces allocated for each office managed across different locations (e.g. one office in New York, another in California, etc.) then the manager can have access to any of those spaces per location they are assigned to. If the Manager is assigned to only certain Spaces, these are the only teams/segments they will have access to. A Manager can add, remove, and manage the content of screens in the Space that they are in, which will create a charge and invoice if the screen license count is increased. However, they do not have access to make changes to the billing information of the account.

iii) Creator

This permission allows the user only to create and upload media within the Spaces they've been added to. There is no administrative or billing-related access to this group. For example, if you're working on a temporary project in which users only need access specific to uploading an image, or video, or setting up your company's Facebook feed to display - assigning them as a "Creator" would allow them access to only these types of media-related functions.

iv) Publisher

This permission allows the user to publish content and view the screens and content in spaces they have access to. For example, publishers are useful for helping to review content and changes to your screens before they go live. This permission can be used to help coordinate changes and oversight to content before it's sent to your digital screens.

v) Viewer

This permission allows the user only to view screens, content, and areas of the organization. This can be used to provide a colleague with access to an organization so they can review something without having any functions to edit or change anything. This can be used to add any user (i.e. People) to view a managed Space (i.e. team). For example, you're working on a digital signage project with someone outside of your company who needs access to review channels (i.e. schedules) for an upcoming event, this permission can grant them access to strictly review the schedules only and restrict them from making changes until a user with higher-access permission can update them. It keeps organization functions available only to users who are given access based on their group(s) to alter or make changes to any screens, content, media, or settings within an organization. There is no administrative or billing-related access to this group.

If you wish to customize your group permissions and roles for your users, you can upgrade your subscription to the Pro or Enterprise plan. On this plan, you will be able to create Custom roles. Please see Managing Custom Roles and Permissions in ScreenCloud to learn about this premium feature.

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2.3. How to create groups

Get started by visiting From here, click on the yellow New Group button.

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  • Create a name for your group. For example, you can create a "Marketing" group specific for users added to your organization that is involved in their respective departments. Click the yellow "Create Group" button.

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  • You can then begin to add users to your new group from the next menu. Click on "Add members" and you'll be prompted with a list of every member in your ScreenCloud organization. Select the member(s) you'd like to checkmark and add to your group by clicking "Confirm".

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  • Once your users have been added to the group, click on "Permissions" to assign their access to your ScreenCloud organization.

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  • There are two options for granting permissions to groups:

i) Org-wide permissions

By selecting this option for a group, you grant the group access to every Space in your organization with specific permissions. This will allow any users in the group to switch between any Space (i.e. team or segment) created in your ScreenCloud organization. Once you click "Grant Access", you can choose the type of role for the group.

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ii) Space-Specific Permissions

By selecting "Add Permission" for a group, you grant the group access to only select Spaces that users can switch between in your ScreenCloud organization. You can allow groups access for any amount of spaces you'd like, and set different permissions for each space.

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  • You can select one or multiple groups at the same time to grant access to Spaces managed in your organization. Once you've confirmed which Spaces the group can access, click "Confirm" to set permissions for Space(s) selected.

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  • Next, select the permission for the group. This will give every user in this group with access to the Spaces selected the ability to perform certain functions.

For example, if you created a group that you assigned to two of your Spaces (e.g. Thailand and UK teams as pictured below) and granted them "Creator" access. The "Marketing" group created will have access to these two spaces only in your organization and can only create new content and update existing content, as per the "Creator" permission.

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You can also assign groups to additional spaces with different permissions. For example, you can use "Space-Specific Permissions" to add another group (e.g. USA team) and grant them access to alternate permissions between Spaces. The screenshot below examples a group with creator permissions for the Thailand space, with manager permissions for the UK and USA spaces.

  • Once you're done setting permissions, the new group will be listed at Please note, that you can change or remove users or permissions from groups at any time. You can learn more by clicking here.

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2.4. How to add people into groups

You can add people (i.e. users) to groups while inviting them or after you invite them to an organization by visiting This can be done by performing the following:

i) Adding users to a group while sending an invite email:

You can assign a brand new user to any group(s) during the invite process from Please note, that you can add the same user into multiple groups by using the Invite people by email function with their email address to continue adding them into any group managed in your organization. If you do not add a user to a group with permissions, they will not have access to any area of ScreenCloud Studio upon accepting their invitation to the organization.

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ii) Adding users to a group from the People setting:

Click on the user you wish to add to a group. You'll find an Add to group button you can click, which will allow you to pick from your selection of groups in your organization. Select the group and hit Confirm to make the changes.

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iii) Adding users to a group from the Groups setting​​

You can add users to groups directly in the Groups settings in your account. Simply click on any group to edit it, then use the Add members option to select and assign users to the group. After you select the users you'd like to add to the group, click the yellow Confirm button to grant access.

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2.5. How to set a default group

A group that is set to Default will ensure that each newly invited user is always applied to a group and has access to their ScreenCloud organization. This applies to situations where a new invite is made but no group has been selected. If a user is invited with no group applied, they will not be able to access anything but their user information in their account settings.

When viewing your groups, click the ellipses or option button for the group you wish to set as the default group and select Set as Default. You can also click the same button to remove this option for a group.

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The group will now be listed with a Default Group label.

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With the default group setting in place, a newly invited user who has not been invited to a selected group will at least have access to the default group, which they will be applied to automatically.

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3. Spaces: a collection of content and screens

3.1. Spaces overview

"Spaces" is where you can manage and create separate teams in your ScreenCloud organization. Spaces are a collection of screens, channels, playlists, and media available to a specific group of users. For example, if you have an office in New York and another in California, you can create Spaces individually for each location to manage content, screens, and data for each respectively.


3.2. How to create and manage spaces

Get started by visiting From here, click on the yellow "New Space" button.


  • Create a name for your Space. For example, you can create a "US" space specific for users added to your organization that are part of your team based in the United States, you can follow this for any locations, teams, and departments respectively. Click the yellow "Create Space" button.


  • Please note, if you've already created groups that have org-wide access, you will see them automatically noted with access to any new Spaces which you've created in your organization. For example, the three groups pictured below (Billing, Customer Development, Editors & Contractors) were groups created with org-wide permissions to access any space. These three would automatically display for any new Space created in your organization as they have specific permissions across every Space managed, including the number of members from each group.


Once you're done, you can click the "X" in the upper right-hand corner of the pop-up window to return to your Spaces dashboard.


  • Once your Spaces are created, you can switch between and manage them by using the left-hand navigation of your ScreenCloud organization. For example, the picture below shows that I'm currently accessing the "LA" Space. The side-bar selector can be used to switch between any of your spaces managed. Please note, only users with org-wide and space-specific permissions will be able to use this feature for switching between the spaces they're granted access to.


Please note, for users of multiple spaces you're able to specify which space you'd like to land on automatically when you log into your ScreenCloud Studio organization. This feature is not available if you're only part of one space. The default behavior is that you'll land on the last accessed space until you specify a "Default Space" in your organization settings. For example, if you're part of five different spaces in your organization and want to always see "HQ Space" automatically, this will enable you to always access that space each time you log into your organization.

3.3. How to duplicate a space

If you ever need to make a duplicate or copy of a space, you can do this in your account's settings in the Spaces page.

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For each space, you will see a duplicate or copy button. Simply click this to make a copy of your space.

Please note that all media besides Dashboards and paired screens will not be duplicated.

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Once you click Continue, a new In Progress section will appear, containing the process of the space duplication.

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Please note that the process will take quite some time.

If the Space duplication fails, you will be notified with an error message. If this happens, please remove the incomplete copy attempt and reach out to Support to find out why the duplication attempt did not work.

To learn about Duplicating Channels or Playlist, please click here.

4. General FAQs & how-tos

Please note, if any of these features do not work, we recommend using an alternative web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Other web browsers are not recommended to use for ScreenCloud's website. Please visit web browsers to use with ScreenCloud for more information.

4.1. People

Adding a new member

Visit the "People" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on "Invite People" to begin adding a new user.


Deleting a member

Visit the "People" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the three-vertical dot button to delete a user. Click on "Delete Member" to remove the user from your ScreenCloud organization. You can also click on any user and delete them using the trash can icon as well.


​Next, confirm the deletion by clicking the red "Remove" button.


Making a member into an owner

Visit the "People" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the three-vertical dot button next to any user. From here, select "Make Owner" to make the user an owner of your organization. Please note, they'll be listed under as an owner for the ScreenCloud organization.


Removing an owner from your organization

Visit the "Owners" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the three-vertical dot button next to any user. From here, select "Remove as owner".


Next, confirm the removal by clicking the yellow "Confirm" button to revoke owner access. Please note, this does not delete the user from your organization, it only removes them as an org-wide owner.


Cancel an invite

Visit the "People" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the three-horizontal dots button next to any user invite and select "Cancel Invite". Please note, this will revoke any original invite sent to a user and will make the email they received invalid to gain access to your ScreenCloud organization.


Resend an invite

Visit the "People" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the three-horizontal dots button next to any user invite and select "Resend invite". Please note, user invites expire after a 24-hour period automatically for security purposes to keep your organization safe. If you're having an issue accepting an expired invite, re-sending the invite will prompt a new activation time period for the user to accept and log into the ScreenCloud organization.


View activity or logs for emails

Visit the "People" section of your ScreenCloud organization and view the column which says "Last Active". You can use this to see the most recent login activity for the email. For additional logs, you can visit your Account Settings here .


4.2. Groups

Adding a new group

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the yellow "New Group" button to create a new group.



Deleting a group

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the three vertical dots button next to any of your groups. From here, select "Delete group".


​Next, confirm the deletion of the group by clicking the red "Remove" button.


Assigning a permission

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any group. From here, select "Permissions" and you can use the org-wide or space-specific settings to set permissions for the group.



Changing or deleting permissions

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any group. From here, you can either add new permissions or delete permissions.


You can add permissions by hovering and clicking on the "+" icon.



You can delete permissions by hovering over the "X" icon listed next to any org-wide or space-specific permission and clicking this to remove the access.


​Assigning a user to a group

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any group. Then use the "Add Members" option to select and assign users into the group.



After you select the users you'd like to add to the group, click the yellow "Confirm" button to grant access.


Removing a user from a group or space

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any group. Select the "Members" tab and hover over any user to reveal an "X" icon to the right. Click on this to delete the user from your group.


Assigning groups to spaces

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any group. Select the "Permissions" tab and you can start to assign space-specific access and permissions.


Click on "Add Permission" and you can begin to select any space you'd like to give access to this group. and permissions for the group. Please note, any members which are part of this group will have access to the spaces selected. Once you're done selecting the spaces, click the yellow "Next" button.


Next, select the permission you'd like to grant this group while accessing the space. Click the yellow "Confirm" button.


You've now assigned this group to access specific spaces.


Removing groups from spaces

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any group. Select the "Permissions" tab and hover over any of your space-specific permissions. Click on the "X" which appears next to any permission to remove the group from having access to any space.


Change or edit a group name

Visit the "Groups" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any group. Hover over the name of your group to reveal a pencil icon, click on this to highlight and make changes to the group name.



4.3. Spaces

Adding a new space

Visit the "Spaces" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the yellow "New Space" to get started.



Deleting a space

Visit the "Spaces" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on the three vertical dots button next to any Space. Click on "Delete".


Next, confirm the removal by clicking the red "Remove" button to delete the space. Please note, this will delete all data, screens, and media managed under the team/segment in your ScreenCloud organization. We recommend downloading any important media, transferring/sharing any channels or playlists, and any other applicable information before deleting a space.


Switching between spaces

If you're an owner, admin, or have space-specific permissions, you can switch between teams by using the top left-hand toggle while logged into your ScreenCloud organization. Click on your name in the top left-hand corner and you can use the space selector to switch between them. If you have more than 5 spaces you can use the search bar to locate your desired space.


Change or edit a space name

Visit the "Spaces" section of your ScreenCloud organization and click on any space. Hover over the name of your space to reveal a pencil icon, click on this to highlight and make changes to the space name.



Transfer screens between spaces

You can transfer screens between the "Spaces" managed in your ScreenCloud organization. Please note, only users with permissions in both spaces, or general permissions required to manage spaces, can transfer screens. If you're having trouble transferring screens, please visit here to review your permissions.
To action transferring a screen to another space, visit your "Screens" section. From here, hover and click on the three-horizontal dots setting button next to any of your screens. Select the "Transfer" option.


Next, you can select from your Spaces available in the drop-down menu. Please note, you can only move screens between Spaces that are under the same billing. If you're using ScreenCloud's Space-Based Billing feature, you won't be able to transfer screens between Spaces which billing is managed separately.


Once you've selected a space, click on "I understand, transfer this screen" to action the transfer.


You'll receive a confirmation notice once the screen has successfully transferred to another space.


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