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ScreenCloud Account Settings & Logs

This article is an overview of all the features and options in your ScreenCloud "Account Settings".

Updated over 4 months ago

Since the making of this video, ScreenCloud's Studio interface has built more features in account settings. Please read the full guide to learn more!

Let's get started by visiting Account Settings to access these administrative settings for your account or visit Account Settings from the lower left-hand corner of your ScreenCloud navigation.

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My Account

From here, you can view and manage general information for your ScreenCloud account.

i) Change your name on the account: Here you can change your First name or Last name for your user profile.

ii) Change job title and job function: You can also adjust your user profiles on title and function, ensuring your team members in your account are aware of your position in the company and what responsibilities you have.

iii) Email preferences: change and manage your account email address. Please note, if you've signed up using Google then your login credentials are managed by ScreenCloud can't access, change, or alter any of your Google credentials. You can learn more about how to change your ScreenCloud account email address by clicking here.

iv) Update password: change or update your account password. If you're having any trouble resetting or updating a password with ScreenCloud. Please note, that if you signed up for ScreenCloud using Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, or SSO (Single-Sign-On), your login credentials are managed by the source you used to create your account. For example, if you signed up using your Google email then your credentials are the same as your Gmail. If you have any other questions, contact [email protected].

v) Notification grouping: This feature is used for the Screen Notifications feature, which sends emails notifying you when screens go offline. You can learn about this Pro and Enterprise plan feature here.

vi) Studio preferences - Default space: Set a default space for when you log in to your ScreenCloud account. You have the option to select the 'Last accessed space' or one of the individual spaces in your account.

vii) Delete account: The delete account button appears only for the account owner and sends a request to support or your account manager to cancel your account. A survey will be presented asking you why you are canceling your account. To learn more, see Cancel, Pause, Reactivate, or Delete Your ScreenCloud Account

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In ScreenCloud, an Organization (i.e. ScreenCloud account) refers to a structured entity that manages digital signage content across various locations, users, and devices. Organizations serve as the highest-level grouping where administrators can control access, roles, permissions, and settings. This feature allows businesses, educational institutions, or other groups to manage content at scale by organizing screens and users under one umbrella. Here you can find a setting for:

i) Organization name: Change your organization name.

ii) ScreenCloud Canvas Template Gallery: Choose to show or hide the ScreenCloud-made Canvas templates in the Template Gallery. Learn more about Canvas here.

iii) Onboarding & Tutorials: With this switched on, areas of the membership will continuously greet you or users with tips, instructions, and how-tos for the service while navigating through your ScreenCloud account.

iv) Default display: Here you can set a default channel or splash for your screens - This is the content that will display on each screen that is paired to your account that has not had any content applied to it to display. For example, if you've created a Channel in ScreenCloud you can set this up to be the default channel activated automatically when adding a new screen into your account.

v) Single Sign-On: Set up and access your single sign-on settings. This segment is enabled upon request, and if your account fulfills the prerequisite. To learn more, please see Setting Up Single Sign-On (SSO) for Your ScreenCloud Account.

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If you have access to more than one organization under your email address, you can use the Account Settings section to cross-access other accounts while logged in. This can be done by selecting the top bar where the name of the account is featured, which will open a window menu for switching between other organizations. For our image examples, the organization name is Your ScreenCloud Account, and clicking this prompts the list of organizations to choose from.

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There is also a Switch organization button as you click your user profile in your ScreenCloud studio general account.

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Look & Feel

With Look & Feel, you can show off your branding and assets by creating themes for brand apps in ScreenCloud.

i) New theme: Create a new theme.

ii) Default: Apply this to a theme so that it is automatically applied to any Channel that has been enabled for themes.

iii) Splash: Apply this to a theme so that is the Splash screen. See the Default display under Organization to learn how this can be used.

iv) Custom fonts: If you are a Pro or Enterprise plan user, you can upload custom fonts to apply to your theme.

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Your billing portal to manage payments, account reactivations, and download invoices. You can learn all you need to know about ScreenCloud's billing by clicking here.

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The People feature in ScreenCloud allows organizations to manage users efficiently by creating a centralized system for inviting users and assigning roles, permissions, and groups. Here's how it works and its benefits:

i) Invite users: Admins can add individuals to the platform and assign them specific roles and access permissions. This makes it easy to control who can edit content, manage screens, or access certain areas of the platform. There is no limit to the amount of users you can add.

ii) Assign users to groups: Different roles, such as Admin, Content Manager, or Viewer, allow for customized access levels. In People, you can assign users to groups and roles.

iii) Owners and Admin users: The creator of an account automatically becomes the user. This is the only user who can delete an account. You can remove and assign the Owner permission to other users. Admin users can invite other users and manage all other aspects of the account.

iv) User activity: See which users have accessed the account recently, and if users' invitations are still pending.

To learn about managing people in your account, see this guide.

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Groups & Roles

A benefit to using ScreenCloud's digital signage platform is assigning users and teams the ability to manage, change, and access their accounts. The system allows you to set different Groups & Roles to manage different screens, channels, or content as you see fit.

i) Groups: People (users) can be organized into groups based on departments, teams, or locations. This allows for easier content management by segmenting users who manage specific screens or content.

ii) Roles: Roles define the level of access and permissions people (users) have. For example, you can assign roles like "Admin" with full access or "Content Manager" with restricted access only to manage content. This allows organizations to control who can edit, schedule, or manage screens while keeping sensitive settings secure.

iii) Custom roles: A selection of five user permissions and roles is provided for each ScreenCloud account. However, to create completely custom roles, an account must be on the Pro or Enterprise plan. To learn about this premium feature, please see ScreenCloud Custom Role Functions.

Learn how to manage and create groups and roles in this guide.

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ScreenCloud’s Spaces feature allows organizations to manage and organize their digital signage content across different physical or virtual locations by allowing you to assign screens to different spaces. Here you can create new spaces, delete a space, and duplicate a space.

To learn about using Spaces with ScreenCloud, please see this guide.

A space can also be set up with separate billing. To learn about this premium feature, that is available on the Pro and Enterprise plans, see Multi-Account Billing: Managing Split Payments Between Teams in ScreenCloud.

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The Developer section is available for having advanced and flexible control over the content, controls, and features in your ScreenCloud account using developer tools. This is used in conjunction with ScreenCloud API documentation for developers and specific apps.

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i) GraphQL Endpoint: API key that gives you the ability to manipulate and control data on your account directly. If you have any specific questions, please reach out to [email protected] and we'll do our best to assist with API-related questions.

ii) Organization ID: the organization ID is a string of alphanumeric characters that is a unique identifier code for your ScreenCloud account. For example, this code is useful for verification purposes if ever reaching out via email to our support team with questions. This can be used to quickly find your account to help identify issues or look into your billing. This is also useful if you help manage multiple ScreenCloud organizations (i.e. accounts) separately when verifying account details.

Proof of Play

ScreenCloud’s Proof of Play and Playback Logs features help track and verify the content displayed on digital screens.

i) Proof of Play: This feature logs and tracks all content that has played on your screens, providing documentation to prove that specific content was displayed. It's particularly useful for verifying that advertisements or scheduled content ran as intended.

ii) Playback Logs: These logs provide detailed playback activity, allowing you to review and audit everything that is played on your screens. It includes time-stamped records of all content, enabling transparency and accountability for display operations.

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Audit Logs

This section is available for monitoring and reviewing data and security logs for your ScreenCloud account.

i) Filters: you can narrow down your results using search terms based on items or content in your ScreenCloud account. For example, you can select the Filters drop-down menu available to select any category. If you selected Channels, your audit logs will display all changes and activity for Channels. You can also identify which Space in your account has been updated or changed recently based on your audit logs. For instance, if you manage different Spaces, you can view changes made by specific users and actions performed in different segments of your ScreenCloud account.

ii) Full audit logs: The audit log window for general accounts goes back to 30 days. If you wish to have access to the entirety of audit logs since your account creation, please see here. This feature requires an upgrade to the Pro and Enterprise plan.

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