1. Check your device timezone/date settings that are running the ScreenCloud app
We recommend checking the timezone/date settings on the actual device you're using to run the ScreenCloud app on your television screen. Your device timezone settings and your Google account settings must be both be set to your local timezone. Apps being used to run on the ScreenCloud app will default to the timezone of the hardware, this can help fix any time sync issues you notice between events you have slotted on your calendar that are not showing the appropriate times on your screen. This is also the same for creating Channels in ScreenCloud, which you can learn more about troubleshooting here.
2. Check your Google or Outlook Calendar timezone/date settings
We recommend checking the timezone/date settings that are internally set up for your calendar in your Google or Outlook accounts.
For your Google Calendar, you can do this by visiting your calendar while logged into your Google account and clicking on the gear icon to access your "Settings." You can also click here to view your settings while logged into Google.
For your Outlook Calendar, you can do this by logging into your Outlook account and visiting the gear icon in the upper-right hand corner, and scroll-down this menu to click "View all Outlook Settings" at the bottom of the page. From here, you can click on the "General" tab and adjust your timezone/date settings. You can also click here to view your settings while logged into Outlook.
3. Try to delete and re-add the app to your content library
If you are still experiencing any general issues with your calendar app, we recommend as a troubleshooting step to try deleting the app instance from your Content Library entirely. Then, you can visit either the Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar app to re-add them from ScreenCloud's App Store. Please try re-syncing with your calendar to see if this helps clear up your issues moving forward.