When you create a ScreenCloud Studio account, you have many available features and apps, and functions already available to you just with the Core Plan (formerly Starter Plan). You can schedule your content with Channels, easily create slides and branded presentations with Canvas, and you have a large number of free apps that link you to your social media accounts, such as Facebook and Instagram, or software management systems, such as Microsoft or Google.
However, you may find that certain features and apps are not available to you in this plan, such as Dashboards or Power BI, to name a few. These more advanced integrations and functions can become available to you with an upgrade to the Pro Plan (Formerly Teams or Business Plan), along with the Enterprise Plan. This guide will review the new possibilities and enhancements to your digital signage experience once you upgrade to the higher subscription tier.
If you are new to ScreenCloud and wish to start a trial directly as a Pro user, please SignUp here for the Pro Plan trial. Our sales team will receive your request and provide you with a 2 week trial with selection of premium apps and features available.
The Team News app helps you announce employee achievements, including birthdays, work anniversaries, and new starters, using our predesigned templates. Simply upload a CSV containing dates, names, and locations using our easy uploader and have the upcoming events automatically designed to celebrate with your workforce. Filter your data by location to ensure only the relevant content is displayed in the correct location. Please note: this app requires an onboarding process to configure correctly for use. You can learn about the app here!
By using the ScreenCloud Awardco app, you can empower your organization by enhancing its culture of recognition and rewards by easily displaying shared words of praise and admiration clearly on your screens in your working areas. Once your account is connected to the app, your team's recognition posts are beautifully displayed on your screens. Review this guide to learn how it is connected and set up for your screens.
With ScreenCloud Broadcast, you can display live streams on your digital screens. This is useful for being able to engage or connect with your teams and target audiences by being able to stream content such as meetings, webinars, events, and other media. See this guide to learn how you can set up Broadcast with tools like Zoom and OBS.
Custom Branding (Whitelisting), which you can find under Studio Appearance in your Organization's settings, allows you to set your account's color and icon so that you can apply your own company's brand. This feature allows you to have advertising permissions for your brand partners and affiliates. This is a strategy that businesses and brands use to better connect their customers with a personalized approach to their products.
If you do not see the Custom Branding feature enabled for your account as you are on the Pro or Enterprise Plan, please do reach out to your account manager or ScreenCloud support, who can help activate this for you.
Custom fonts can also be added using the "Look and Feel" section of your ScreenCloud account for custom brand apps. This can be done by either uploading a custom font file type or using a CSS link from an online open-source database for fonts. Check out this snippet from our video on some of our premium features!
Custom roles provides you with full control over your users and teams. It allows you to specify down to the action or feature for which groups of users can perform, where you can control and manage how users interact with apps, content, or media directly. For example, if you wanted to lock down permissions for a group of users to only view and manage apps you can set this up by creating a custom role that only allows users to access apps - as exampled below.
For a complete list of all available role functions, please see here.
Dashboards allows you to securely display dashboards from any application, with your encrypted credentials stored securely in the cloud and not on any local devices. We support displaying dashboards from CloudWatch, DataDog, Github, Google Data Studio, Grafana, Jira, Proving Ground, Salesforce, Tableau, Trello, and Zendesk. See how the app is set up with this guide.
With Embeddable Channels, you can give employees everywhere the ability to gain access to the same content in your organization’s Channels, but in a browser, website, or embedded in your intranet or other employee communication channel. This is useful for companies with employees working remotely, based at home, or as a way to keep your teams connected from anywhere in the world. You can also use this feature to share and embed your playlists.
You can see an example of how to set this up with Sharepoint here, and even set an embeddable channel as a screensaver for your macOS computer!
The Emergency Alerts app grants a direct integration with emergency alerting systems like Omnilert and Singlewire, which allow you to automatically take over all screens and cast an emergency message across campus. The app requires that you already have an account with a compatible Mass Alert Platform third-party platform. This app comes free for non-profit and educational accounts, and it comes included with the Pro and Enterprise pricing plan.
To learn about how the app works, please see this guide.
The ScreenCloud Microsoft Power Bi app allows you to take rich visualizations of your data and put them on your digital signage screens. This works by publishing your Power Bi report and using the link to share this with your digital signage. Making it easy for your team, office, or customers to see the data you wish to share more visually. To learn how the app is set up and connected with your Microsoft account's dashboards, please see this guide.
The Proof of Play helps you log and keep track of all of the content which has played on any of your digital signage screens. This is useful for reviewing insights in one spot for the most frequently played content, reviewing when content has been played, and can review data for who has set the content to run across your screens. You can also access, export, and review log reports for all screen playback activity. We have this small video snippet you can take a look at, which shows you what data these data logs collect.
With Metrics, you can see how many people are interacting with QR codes on your screens (measured via scans). You’ll be able to see the volume of scans and which location or screens are the most highly engaged with. You can generate QR codes with Links, Canvas slides, or the Ask a Question app. There are also several other apps which also generate QR codes that you can enable to be included in your screen metrics, which you can find included in this article.
Screen Notifications provides instant email alerts when screens go offline and when they come back online. Users can stay informed about their screens’ status without manually checking and monitor their status with ease, improving uptime and reliability.
ScreenCloud Touch (Interactive) provides touchscreen capabilities to your screens, complementing your tablets or wall-mounted displays and amplifying the reach and impact of your content. Check out our guide on how to enable this for your device. Please note that only the ScreenCloud players for Amazon's Fire OS, Android, macOS, and Windows are touchscreen capable at this time. Please find out which devices support the ScreenCloud player here.
Single Sign-On (SSO) improves the security of your organization by enabling your employees to use a single set of login credentials across many applications and services by using secure services like auth0. This allows us to provide SSO with Identity providers Okta, OneLogin, and Microsoft Azure.
Please note, this service is only available on the Pro Plan if the account contains 35+ screen licenses. Once you meet the criteria, you can reach out to your account manager or ScreenCloud support, who can help activate the feature.
Space-based billing (or Multi-Account Billing) provides the flexibility to manage to split and allocate payments on your ScreenCloud account between different Spaces (i.e. teams). For example, this is useful if you have different departments or users in multiple locations with access to your ScreenCloud account which you can delegate billing to respectively. If you've created multiple Spaces to manage their account access separately, you can use this feature to also manage their billing separately and can delegate payments however you'd like.
Space-based billing can be enabled for your account upon request. Please reach out to your account manager or ScreenCloud support. Our team insists on helping with space-based billing setup, because if it is set up incorrectly, it can cause issues for your separate accounts.
With the Staffbase app, you can stream news from your Staffbase platform onto company screens and amplify your internal messages for all employees. Showcase articles, and media, and update channels from your Staffbase platform and customize the on-screen presentation for each. Install the app and connect your news channels seamlessly using an API token to get started.
The ScreenCloud Unily app innovative app seamlessly integrates with Unily, a leading internal communication platform, to amplify your content's reach beyond traditional digital landscapes directly onto digital signs. ScreenCloud adapts Unily content to designs that are optimized for digital signage viewing, elevating the impact of your messages and making every announcement, update, and news piece more engaging and accessible to all employees, regardless of their work environment.
See the setup guide here.
Audit Logs on the Pro and Enterprise Plan allows you to see back further than 90 days.