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Tizen Player

All you need to know about setting up the ScreenCloud Tizen player for your Samsung displays.

Updated over 4 months ago

We currently only support Samsung Tizen displays running versions SSSP 6 on Tizen 4, SSSP 10 on Tizen 6.5, and TEP on Tizen 7.0. Although we support more than just the latest versions, we strongly recommend only purchasing the brand Samsung Tizen displays running Tizen 7 for usage with ScreenCloud. To understand why, please review our limitations sections.

As for the unsupported Tizen version, we do not support SSSP 7 on Tizen 5 displays at this time.

For more information on the Samsung Tizen player, please see here. For a list of Samsung displays we recommend, please see here.

1. Prepare your Samsung Tizen display

If you are setting up a Samsung Tizen Display for the first time, please follow the steps below before moving on to the ScreenCloud Samsung Tizen Signage player setup steps. We've prepared samples of setup for Tizen 4.0 and Tizen 6.5. Please note that you can perform the same setup steps for TEP on Tizen 7.0.

1.1. SSSP 6 on Tizen 4 setup

1.1.1. Switch ON your Tizen display

1.1.2. Select the Language, and press OK or Next to continue

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 1.png

1.1.3. Choose the Display Orientation and leave it landscape

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 2.png

1.1.4. Disable Auto Power Off mode

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 3.png

1.1.5. Confirm Network Access, or configure the wireless network

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 4.png

1.1.6. Set URL Launcher for Play Via

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 5.png

1.1.7. Set “Skip” or “Set for Now” for RM Server setup

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 6.png

1.1.8. Set Local Date and Time

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 7.png

1.1.9. You just completed the basic setup for this display.

Samsung Tizen 1.1. IMG 8.png

1.2. SSSP 10 on Tizen 6.5 and TEP on Tizen 7.0 setup

1.2.1. Switch ON your Tizen display

1.2.2. Select your Language

Samsung Tizen 1.2. IMG 1.png

1.2.3. Configure the internet connection and review and accept the device's terms and conditions

1.2.4. Next, you will be asked to choose your Display Orientation. Please select Landscape

1.2.5. Disable Auto Power Off mode

1.2.6. When you reach Play Via, you can skip this step by pressing the return button and then the right arrow button on the remote

Samsung Tizen 1.2. IMG 2.png

Samsung Tizen 1.2. IMG 3.png

Samsung Tizen 1.2. IMG 4.png

1.2.7. Set “Skip” or “Set for Now” for RM Server setup

1.2.8. Set Local Date and Time

1.2.9. You will now be asked to set a PIN. For now, you can use the default PIN 000000

Samsung Tizen 1.2. IMG 5.png

1.2.10. You just completed the basic setup for this display

Samsung Tizen 1.2. IMG 6.png

2. How to install the ScreenCloud Tizen player app using a URL link

Please follow the below text instructions for the installation of ScreenCloud's Samsung Tizen Signage player app on your Samsung Tizen display.

2.1. URL setup for SSSP 6 on Tizen 4

2.1.1. Click the Home button on the remote

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 1.png

2.1.2. On the menu on your display, select URL Launcher

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 2.png

Note: If you do not see the URL Launcher option when pressing the Home button, your panel is set to load MagicInfo as opposed to the LFD Launcher. You need to follow some more steps as described here to load the URL Launcher to continue the next steps.

2.1.3. Select Install Web App and type in the URL below, which leads you to the ScreenCloud Tizen Player app

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 3.png

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 4.jpg

2.1.4. The ScreenCloud Tizen Player will install, and then boot-up automatically

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 5.png

2.1.5. Viewing the player, please press the remote's yellow or ‘C’, or the info button, to open the ScreenCloud player's side menu

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 6.png


Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 7.png

This means that your player is correctly installed and ready to use! You can now pair your screen and start to display and publish your content with ScreenCloud.

2.2. URL setup for SSSP 10 on Tizen 6.5 and TEP on Tizen 7.0

2.2.1. Click the Home button on the remote

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 1.png

2.2.2. On the menu on your display, select Custom App

Samsung Tizen 2.2. IMG 1.jpeg

Note: If you do not see the Custom App option when pressing the Home button, your panel is set to load MagicInfo as opposed to the LFD Launcher. You need to follow some more steps as described here to load the Custom App to continue the next steps.

2.2.3. Select Install Web App and type in the URL below, which leads you to the ScreenCloud Tizen Player app

Samsung Tizen 2.2. IMG 2.jpg

2.2.4. The ScreenCloud Tizen Player will install, and then boot-up automatically

Samsung Tizen 2.2. IMG .png

2.2.5. Viewing the player, please press the remote's yellow or ‘C’, or the info button, to open the ScreenCloud player's side menu

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 6.png


Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 7.png

This means that your player is correctly installed and ready to use! You can now pair your screen and start to display and publish your content with ScreenCloud.

3. How to install the ScreenCloud app using a USB flash drive

3.1. Prepare the USB drive

3.1.1. First, create a folder in your USB drive named SSSP

Samsung Tizen 3.1. IMG 1.png

3.1.2. Download the two files below in the SSSP folder:

File 1:

Open the above URL and save the file in the USB drive directly in the folder SSSP as above.

Samsung Tizen 3.1. IMG 2.png

File 2:

Open the above URL. When it opens, right-click and select ‘Save as…’’, and save the file in the USB flash drive in the SSSP folder.

Samsung Tizen 3.1. IMG 3.png

Samsung Tizen 3.1. IMG 4.png

Unlike the images above, the version number between <ver> and </ver> should match that of the latest version release for the Tizen player in the ScreenCloud Player Software Changelogs.

Samsung Tizen 3.1. IMG 5.png

You should see both files in your USB Flash like in the photo above - Your USD drive is ready to use!

3.2. USB setup for SSSP 6 on Tizen 4

3.2.1. Insert your USB flash drive into the USB slot on the back of your Samsung Tizen display

3.2.2. Press the Home button on the remote to access the menu

3.2.3. Select the URL Launcher

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 2.png

Note: If you do not see the URL Launcher option when pressing the Home button, your panel is set to load MagicInfo as opposed to the LFD Launcher. You need to follow some more steps as described here to load the URL Launcher to continue the next steps.

3.2.4. Select

Samsung Tizen 3.2. IMG 1.jpeg

Install From USB Device. The ScreenCloud Player will start to download and install automatically, and the app will launch once the download is complete

3.2.5. Viewing the player, please press the remote's yellow or ‘C’, or the info button, to open the ScreenCloud player's side menu.

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 6.png


Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 7.png

This means that your player is correctly installed and ready to use! You can now pair your screen and start to display and publish your content with ScreenCloud.

3.3. USB setup for SSSP 10 on Tizen 6.5 and TEP on Tizen 7.0

3.3.1. Insert your USB flash drive into the USB slot on the back of your Samsung Tizen display

3.3.2. Press the Home button on the remote to access the menu

3.3.3. Select Custom App

Samsung Tizen 2.2. IMG 1.jpeg

Note: If you do not see the Custom App option when pressing the Home button, your panel is set to load MagicInfo as opposed to the LFD Launcher. You need to follow some more steps as described here to load the Custom App to continue the next steps.

3.3.4. Select Install From USB Device. The ScreenCloud Player will start to download and install automatically, and the app will launch once the download is complete

3.3.5. Viewing the player, please press the remote's yellow or ‘C’, or the info button, to open the ScreenCloud player's side menu.

Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 6.png


Samsung Tizen 2.1. IMG 7.png

This means that your player is correctly installed and ready to use! You can now pair your screen and start to display and publish your content with ScreenCloud.

4. How to switch from MagicINFO to URL Launcher or Custom App

Please follow the steps below to switch the Samsung Tizen Display from MagicInfo mode to URL Launcher or Custom App mode.

  • Use the Source button to change to HDMI, DVI, etc.

  • When switched, please click on the Menu button

Samsung Tizen 4 IMG 1.png

  • Please now select the System option and scroll down to locate and select the Play via option

For SSSP6 Tizen 4.0

Samsung Tizen 4 IMG 2.png

For SSSP10 Tizen 6.5

Samsung Tizen 4 IMG 3.png
  • Once stored, if you restart the panel, The URL Launcher or Custom App will load instead of the MagicInfo.

5. Recommended setting configurations for Digital Signage use

We strongly advise you to consider the following settings when using a Samsung display for digital signage to ensure the best possible experience. The below steps contain images for the Tizen 4.0 menu, but Tizen 6.5 should contain the same options and steps unless were informed otherwise.

5.1. How to disable "Automatic Switching" on a Samsung Professional display

5.1.1 Select the home button on the remote and select "System”.

5.1.2. Navigate down to the "Systems" option and select "enter" on your remote. In the system, select "Auto Source Switching" and make sure that you set "Auto Source Switching" to "OFF" as shown below.


5.2. How to disable "Power Saving Mode" on a Samsung Professional display

Disabling power saving mode will ensure that your display is always running content.

5.2.1. Select the home button on the remote and select "System".

5.2.2. In "System", navigate to the "Power Control" option and make sure that you set "Auto Power On" to "ON".

5.2.3. Next, set the "Max. Power Saving" option to "Off" as shown below.


5.3. How to disable "Eco Saving Mode" on a Samsung Professional display

5.3.1. Select the home button on the remote and select "System".

5.3.2. In System, navigate to the Eco Solution option and make sure that you set all 4 options to Off as shown below.


For SSSP10 Tizen 6.5, the option will be named Power and Energy Saving. Make sure you set all 4 options to Off, as shown below.

Samsung Tizen 5.3 IMG 1.png

Samsung Tizen 5.3 IMG 2.png

6. How to Uninstall the ScreenCloud Tizen Player

6.1. Click the Home button on your remote controller while on the ScreenCloud player app on your Tizen display.
6.2. Navigate to Features.
6.3. Navigate Apps.
6.4. Click the settings icon on the top right - This is found in between the search and X button.
6.5. You will see the ScreenCloud app listed.
6.6. Select the ScreenCloud app to open its available actions.
6.7. Find and click Delete.
6.8. Confirm your changes.

The ScreenCloud app should now be removed from your Tizen display.

7. Samsung Tizen Player Limitations

The ScreenCloud Samsung Tizen player isn't able to perform to the highest capacity compared to other ScreenCloud players, and experiences issues with playing more than one video at once, and also with certain apps.

  • Black screen issue when switching from video content to next content. Because of the software limitations of Tizen displays, black flashes occur when content switches from video content to any other content, like another video, image, or app. The issue does not appear if non-video content changes to a video.

  • Inability to play two videos at once. Running more than a single video at a time on your Tizen display with ScreenCloud will cause issues. Your best practice would be to display only a single video on one of your zones if you intend to run a multiple-zone layout with a Channel. If you play two videos or more at once, the player is likely to crash.

  • Inability to run certain apps. Older OSs have been built with earlier Chromium builds. Please see here to learn which apps and which Tizen OS versions are affected.

8. FAQ

Does the ScreenCloud Tizen Player have a Start at Boot option?
Yes and no. The option is not available to enable or disable the ScreenCloud player, but it is instead automatically always enabled as long as the ScreenCloud player app is installed on your Tizen display.

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