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Sharing Channels Between Spaces
Sharing Channels Between Spaces

This article will go through the sharing feature for Channels, which allows you to share your Channel and its content between Spaces

Updated over 4 months ago

This video shows the sharing function of channels which provides a view-only sharing option. If you continue below, there is information on a collaborative sharing method for channels.


You can share any Channels created between Spaces (i.e. a collection of screens, content, and media between teams) that are segmented in your ScreenCloud account. You can do this by clicking on the "Share" icon while viewing, previewing, or editing your channels to set permissions between Spaces (i.e. teams) that can access Channels you've created. This is useful for collaborating and sharing information between members of your organization.

1. Channel sharing options

1.1. As you click the Share button for a channel in your space, you are greeted by a list of spaces and the sharing options that you can select for your channel.

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Please note, that the share option for a channel is only accessible if you have more than one space in your account, if you are an account owner or administrator, or if your user profile has been granted the correct permission set.

1.2. There are three sharing options available for a channel:

  • Disabled - This channel is not shared with any space

  • Can Play Content Only - This provides a view-only channel to the selected space(s)

  • Can Play and Add Local Content - This presents a collaborative channel to the selected space, which allows adding content and changing the channel name and cover image. These changes are only visible in the recipient space.

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1.3. You can apply the sharing options for your channel individually, or over all channels in your space by using the Share to all spaces. The setting is instantly applied as soon as you select it.

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1.4. If you have an organization with many spaces, don't forget to use search to help narrow down your list of spaces that you need to share your channel too.

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1.5. You can always reset permission for your shared channel to all spaces in your organization by hitting the Reset Permissions button, after first selecting one of the 'Share to all spaces' sharing options.

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You will be asked to confirm your changes in this step. This is because if you remove a collaborative shared channel, you will also remove any of the work a recipient space might have put into their channel.

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1.6. Because a shared channel is only able to be removed from the owner space, this means that the recipient space cannot delete any channels that are shared to it.

1.7. Please be informed that content from a shared channel is only found in the shared channel and not in the media or apps library of the recipient space.

1.8. To share specific content between spaces, please find steps on how to do this in the help guide Sharing Content Across Spaces in Your Organization.

1.9. Provided below is a sample image of how the Channel's appear in the space's that they are shared with.

Shared Channel to Space Two Options.jpg

Continue below to find out what different permissions and actions the two types of shared channels allow in their recipient space.

2. Sharing a view-only channel with the "Can Play Content Only" option

2.1. A channel that is being shared with the sharing option 'Can Play Content Only' will appear under the Shared by Others tab under the channels page of the recipient space.

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2.2. This channel is only able to be viewed as a preview from the recipient space.

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3. Sharing a collaborative channel with the "Can Play and Add Local Content" option

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3.1. A channel that has been shared to a space as “Can Play and Add Local Content” will appear next to all channels in the recipient space.

3.2. This collaborative shared channel can have its name and cover image changed, but these changes are only seen in the recipient space. A notification on the bottom will continue to provide the original name of the channel as well as the name of the owner space from which it is being shared.

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3.3. Heading into the collaborative shared channel, you will notice a tab containing the shared content.

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3.4. Opening this will reveal the content within, which is from the original channel. This content cannot be altered.

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3.5. As a collaborator to the shared channel, any content you add will appear as below, with a yellow tint. This is the only content that you will also be able to remove from the shared channel.

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Please note: Just as the original content of the shared channel cannot be altered, any zone layout settings of the shared channel cannot be changed. Content can only be added (or removed).

3.6. Previewing your shared channel will reveal all content, both original and collaborative, to the side your view.

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3.7. Any changes made from the owner space to the original channel...

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...will be reflected in the shared collaborative channel.

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4. Duplicating a collaborative shared channel

4.1. Just as with a regular channel, you can also Duplicate a collaborative shared channel.

4.2. This duplicate action follows the same rules as with duplicating a regular channel, where the channel name is cloned but preceded by the words "Copy of". The new duplicate channel contains content from the owner space (The "content bound to" space), content that has been added from the recipient space, and all pre-existing settings. Just as with the channel it was copied from, the content bound to the owner space is locked, and the zone layout settings cannot be altered.

4.3. Keep in mind that this duplicated channel is also immediately removed once it's original channel is deleted from the owner space which owns the channel. Unlike the original shared collaborative channel, any duplicates of this channel can be deleted in the recipient account - In other words, any channel that is created within the recipient space can be deleted in that space.

4.4. Last but not least, channels shared with the “Can Play and Add Local Content” option can have their name changed, have a theme applied to them by the recipient space, as well as their cover image or color altered.

5. FAQ

Why can't I find the share button for my channel?

You might not have the correct user permissions. In that case, please contact your ScreenCloud account owner for help. Another reason might be that your account is only setup with one space, which means there is nowhere for the channel to be shared too.

What happens to the shared channel in the collaborator space if the owner space deletes it?

If the original channel is deleted by the owner space, the entire content, including the contributed content from the receiving space will be erased. This also goes for any duplicate channels of the shared collaborative channel.

I have collaborative access to a shared channel. How can I change the order of content that is shared?

As a user in the collaborator space, you cannot make changes to the original channel content and its order and scheduled settings. All contributed content will always play afterward.

I am accessing a shared channel from the recipient space. Can I make changes to the collaborative shared channel if I am an admin or user of the owner space?

No, you can only make changes from within the owner space.

Why can't I find the content from the shared channel in my media or apps library?

A shared channel only shares its content from within the channel. The individual files are not, however, shared. To learn how you can share individual content, please see Sharing Content Across Spaces in Your Organization.

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